Stop Smoking

Living a Smoke Free Lifestyle Can Be Easy With HYPNOSIS

Are you struggling with:

Shortness of Breath

Persistent Coughing & Congestion

Loss of Taste


Brain Fog

Stop Smoking
  • Quit smoking the natural way.
  • Breathe easier, lower blood pressure, increase your energy and feel better.
  • Sleep better with reduced sleep disruptions like coughing or snoring.
  • Improve your heart and lung health to reduce the risk of cardiac disease and cancer.


“Being smoke-free has opened up the door to so many other positive changes in my life. I am happier on a day to day basis. I have more confidence in my abilities to make change for the better. I have been able to relax more and not feel as much stress in my daily life. All of these things have helped me make better connections with my wife and children.”

Happy Family - Erin Mills Hypnosis

Living a Smoke Free Lifestyle Can Be Easy With Hypnosis.

  • Are you torn between the desire to quit smoking and the inner conflict that often leads to self-sabotage?
  • Are you ready to move out of your own way so that you can live a healthy, vibrant, smoke-free life?
  • If you knew that being smoke free is easy, would you go for it?


“Since attending these hypnosis sessions I have lost the craving to reach for a cigarette. My daily patterns have also changed. No more do I have a morning coffee with a smoke or after dinner smokes.”

Man Drinking Coffee - Erin Mills Hypnosis

Hypnosis helps you Take Control and Eliminate Smoking from your Life.

  • Change your unwanted behaviour and bad habits by addressing the underlying issues.
  • Replace what you think you are getting from smoking, with useful strategies that lead to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Boost your subconscious motivation and reinforce your commitment to your own success.


“Before coming to hypnosis I had attempted to quit smoking many times… over 24 years. It is so freeing not to be checking the clock for my next break or locating a smoking section when out with my family. I do not experience any cravings and do not miss cigarettes at all! Thank you so much for this new freedom.”

Crashed Cigarettes - Erin Mills Hypnosis

Revitalise Your Outdated Habits for Better Health and Longevity.

Whatever you imagine, the reality is that, nicotine doesn’t have a strong physical hold on you. It leaves your body relatively quickly once you’ve quit. Patches and pills only prolong the limited effects of nicotine. They can’t stop you from lighting up when you feel stressed or down. Erin Mills Hypnosis has the solution!

You weren’t born to be a smoker. Are you ready to be healthier and to completely quit this habit for good?

Take the first step toward leading a smoke-free life by scheduling a short 30 to 40 minute Free Screening at Erin Mills Hypnosis.

Discover the freedom of being a happy non-smoker! Find out what is truly possible for you by phoning 416 508-7408 NOW!

Our Programs

Weight Loss

With Hypnosis, prioritising permanent lifestyle change is easy and it will result in a healthier, happier you!

Stop Smoking

Replace what you think you are getting from smoking, with useful strategies that lead to a healthy lifestyle.

Stress Management

Hypnosis helps us to discover acceptance about the limits of our control and to reframe our perspective.